(510) 599-7703

Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Personalized Fitness Training Instills Proper Form, Improved Flexibility and Overall Wellness.

Workout Smarter NOT Harder!

Achieve and Exceed Your Lifestyle Goals Sooner.

Personal Training Guarantees Results!

Custom Fitness Solutions

“As a dedicated fitness professional I have developed programs for client in every physical and financial situation and I would love to work with you.”

~ Jorge Rodriguez, Jr.


Learn More

Personal Training can help with:

  • weight training
  • weight loss
  • flexibility
  • rehabilitation
  • nutrition
  • strength training
  • proper form instruction
  • injury avoidance
  • Military/Law Enforcement fitness preparation


Jorge Rodriguez Jr., Certified Personal Trainer

Certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Certifications include:

Certified Personal Trainer
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Women’s Fitness Specialist
Performance Enhancement Specialist

Let’s Connect

(510) 599-7703

Hours of Operation:
M-F 6am to noon & 5pm-8pm
Weekends by appointment only.


Hamstring – What Does Good Form Look Like?

Today I want to talk about corrective exercise for your hamstring. There are certain exercises that are hamstring dominant like deadlifts, barbell rows, good mornings, and romanian deadlifts. Most don’t execute these exercises correctly because they have poor form due to lack of flexibility. A lot of people say things like “it hurts my back to deadlift”, “I deadlift but not with a lot of weight”, or “i feel good mornings more in my back then my hamstrings”. These compound exercises use more then one muscle at a time, yes your back will be involved in the movement but there should never be an amount of discomfort that leaves you in pain. There is a difference between challenging yourself and doing something completely incorrect that leads to injury. If something hurts it means you’re not able to do that just yet and you should go figure out why. Here’s a great way to know if you’re ready to deadlift or attempt any of these great compound exercises. It’s called the 90/90 stretch.

  1. Lay on the floor on your back
  2. Keep your left leg completely straight on the floor
  3. Without bending your right knee, try to bring up your right leg to 90 degrees (you could use a band around the foot or have a friend assist)
  • If you bend the knee you’re cheating. By bending the knee you take the tension away from the hamstring
  • If you can’t get to 90 degrees, you have no business attempting those compound exercises