(510) 599-7703


Meet Jorge:

My name is Jorge Rodriguez (J.R.) and I am a Bay Area native.  I’m a father of two and a former U.S. Marine. I grew up playing sports (soccer) and I’ve always considered myself athletic. During my time in the Marines, I thought I was in the best shape of my life. After my service I kept a consistent gym routine, but slowly but surely noticed that certain areas of my body were suffering from overuse. Not knowing how to marketing digital curso EBAC address these issues, I simply avoided my “trouble areas”. 

One evening in early 2011 I saw a personal training book on a friends bedroom floor and I picked it up. By the end of the week I had three certifications. I began inviting friends and family over to my house and basically testing out different techniques to see how their bodies would react. These interactive models helped me gain a comprehensive understanding of how the body works.

I quickly realized I had found my passion, so I ended my career in payroll management and began training at a big name gym. After a few months I realized that the environment was more focused on making money than truly offering clients safe and effective customized personal training plans. I decided to leave the gym and venture out on my own.  I’ve been training at Lifestyle Studio ever since. The private gym setting has  allowed me to further hone my personal training skill set and develop personalized training programs that focus on each and every one of my clients goals, issues and roadblocks. 

These days I live my life as a living breathing example for my clients.  As  a business owner working full-time with two small children that I care for throughout the day, I understand the obstacles that life can and will present when you are trying to reach a goal. I not only  provide professional instruction in the gym, I’m here to motivate you to reach your full potential both inside and outside of the gym. 

“Fitness is a mental decision and a physical agreement”

I guarantee you no matter what the goal, if you are ready to make the commitment, my 90 day customized personal training program will put you on the path to success. As your personal trainer I will keep you mentally motivated while challenging your body with a personalized dynamic high intensity regime.

Every potential client that I meet seeking a bay area certified personal trainer has one of two objectives when they walk through the door. They either want to get back to a way they used to feel,  or they want to feel a way they have never felt before. These fitness goals require a lifestyle change, a commitment that won’t always be easy, but it will most definitely worth it!

My primary goal in working with clients is to help them get to a place where healthy decisions are second nature and personal fitness is a priority.

“Fall in love with the process and results will come.”