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Proper Foam Rolling

What on earth is a foam roller? How do we use it? Is it beneficial? Has someone ever rubbed the top of your https://ebac.mx/analista-de-datos shoulders and you tell them “press right there” it usually feels like a knot? Well there are nine areas of the body that a foam roller can help you get rid of those “knots”. I like to think of a foam roller as your personal massage therapist. This is the 1st thing I teach to all my clients when they first start training with me. A foam roller helps relieve pain, tension, and stress in the body and after a kick ass work out, it helps reduce the soreness you will feel by a great amount.

1) PIRIFORMIS – you will start by sitting on top of the foam roller. Keep your left leg bent at 90 degrees. Then, cross your right leg and place your right foot over your left knee. You will place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand will be behind you with your elbow slightly bent. You will lean into the right side of your piriformis (between the butt cheek and waist line area). You will feel a “knot”. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

2) TFL/ IT-BAND – you will start by placing the foam roller on the outside of your left leg where your pocket would be (that is your TFL band). Keep your left leg straight, bend your right knee to 90 degrees and place your right foot on the ground. While keeping your upper body in a straight line with your lower body, put your left forearm on the ground and place your right hand on the ground in front of your chest for support. You will feel a “knot”. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. As you proceed down the leg (which is known as the IT band) you will stop at every “knot” and roll it out until the sensation goes away. Go down the IT band and stop just before you reach your knee. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

3) ADDUCTORS – you will start by laying on your stomach and placing the foam roller by your waist line on the left side of your body. Lift your left leg to 90 degrees and place the foam roller on the inside of your leg (your adductors) just a little past the knee. While keeping your forearms on the ground, lift your body off the ground to distribute body weight onto the foam roller. Make sure not to allow your lower back to dip down towards the ground as this may cause discomfort. You will roll the foam roller all the way towards the groin area stopping at every “knot” that comes up along the way. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

4) CALVES – you will start by sitting on the ground. While keeping your legs straight place them over the foam roller right above the achilles. Then cross your right foot over your left foot. Keep your hands by your sides with your elbows slightly bent. Then inch your way up the calf stopping at every “knot”. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

5) PERONEALS (THE SIDE OF THE CALF) – start by laying side ways on the ground on your left side. Lift your legs off the ground and place the foam roller right above your ankle. While having your left forearm on the ground and using your right hand for support, lift your body off the ground to distribute body weight onto the foam roller to start rolling out your peroneal. Roll all the way up the peroneal right before the knee. Stop at every “knot” that you feel. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

6) QUADRICEPS – you will start by laying on your stomach. Lift your hips off the ground and place the foam roller right at the top part of your quads. While on your forearms, not letting your lower back dip towards the ground, move your body forward as the foam roller rolls down your quads. Stop at every “knot” that you feel. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away You will roll down your quads just before the knee. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

7) HAMSTRINGS – start by sitting on the ground. Lift up your legs and place the foam roller towards the bottom of your hamstrings. While keeping your legs straight and your hands on your side with elbows slightly bent, move your body down as the foam roller comes up your hamstrings. Stop at every “knot” that you feel. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. You will roll all the way up to the top of your hamstrings. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

8) THORACIC SPINE (BACK) – start by sitting on the ground and having the foam roller behind you. Lay back and position the foam roller under your shoulder blades. While having your hands behind your head to support the neck, legs at 90 degrees, lift your lower body off the ground to distribute body weight onto the foam roller. You will move your body up as the foam roller comes down your back. Do not foam roll past mid back as it may cause some discomfort. Stop at every “knot” that you feel. Roll back and forth on the foam roller until the “knot” sensation goes away. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.

9) LATISSIMUS DORSI – start by laying side ways on the ground on your left side. Extend your left arm straight out and place the foam roller under your armpit. With your thumb point at the ceiling, use your right hand and legs to move your body up as the foam roller rolls down your lats. Stop at every “knot” that you feel. Roll back and forth until the “knot” sensation goes away. 30-60 seconds is a good time to work the “knot” out.